69 research outputs found

    Interactive Realizability and the elimination of Skolem functions in Peano Arithmetic

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    We present a new syntactical proof that first-order Peano Arithmetic with Skolem axioms is conservative over Peano Arithmetic alone for arithmetical formulas. This result - which shows that the Excluded Middle principle can be used to eliminate Skolem functions - has been previously proved by other techniques, among them the epsilon substitution method and forcing. In our proof, we employ Interactive Realizability, a computational semantics for Peano Arithmetic which extends Kreisel's modified realizability to the classical case.Comment: In Proceedings CL&C 2012, arXiv:1210.289

    Wave-Style Token Machines and Quantum Lambda Calculi

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    Particle-style token machines are a way to interpret proofs and programs, when the latter are written following the principles of linear logic. In this paper, we show that token machines also make sense when the programs at hand are those of a simple quantum lambda-calculus with implicit qubits. This, however, requires generalising the concept of a token machine to one in which more than one particle travel around the term at the same time. The presence of multiple tokens is intimately related to entanglement and allows us to give a simple operational semantics to the calculus, coherently with the principles of quantum computation.Comment: In Proceedings LINEARITY 2014, arXiv:1502.0441

    Probabilistic Operational Semantics for the Lambda Calculus

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    Probabilistic operational semantics for a nondeterministic extension of pure lambda calculus is studied. In this semantics, a term evaluates to a (finite or infinite) distribution of values. Small-step and big-step semantics are both inductively and coinductively defined. Moreover, small-step and big-step semantics are shown to produce identical outcomes, both in call-by- value and in call-by-name. Plotkin's CPS translation is extended to accommodate the choice operator and shown correct with respect to the operational semantics. Finally, the expressive power of the obtained system is studied: the calculus is shown to be sound and complete with respect to computable probability distributions.Comment: 35 page

    QPCF: higher order languages and quantum circuits

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    qPCF is a paradigmatic quantum programming language that ex- tends PCF with quantum circuits and a quantum co-processor. Quantum circuits are treated as classical data that can be duplicated and manipulated in flexible ways by means of a dependent type system. The co-processor is essentially a standard QRAM device, albeit we avoid to store permanently quantum states in between two co-processor's calls. Despite its quantum features, qPCF retains the classic programming approach of PCF. We introduce qPCF syntax, typing rules, and its operational semantics. We prove fundamental properties of the system, such as Preservation and Progress Theorems. Moreover, we provide some higher-order examples of circuit encoding

    Quantum Programming Made Easy

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    We present IQu, namely a quantum programming language that extends Reynold's Idealized Algol, the paradigmatic core of Algol-like languages. IQu combines imperative programming with high-order features, mediated by a simple type theory. IQu mildly merges its quantum features with the classical programming style that we can experiment through Idealized Algol, the aim being to ease a transition towards the quantum programming world. The proposed extension is done along two main directions. First, IQu makes the access to quantum co-processors by means of quantum stores. Second, IQu includes some support for the direct manipulation of quantum circuits, in accordance with recent trends in the development of quantum programming languages. Finally, we show that IQu is quite effective in expressing well-known quantum algorithms.Comment: In Proceedings Linearity-TLLA 2018, arXiv:1904.0615

    A "Game Semantical" Intuitionistic Realizability Validating Markov\u27s Principle

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    We propose a very simple modification of Kreisel\u27s modified realizability in order to computationally realize Markov\u27s Principle in the context of Heyting Arithmetic. Intuitively, realizers correspond to arbitrary strategies in Hintikka-Tarski games, while in Kreisel\u27s realizability they can only represent winning strategies. Our definition, however, does not employ directly game semantical concepts and remains in the style of functional interpretations. As term calculus, we employ a purely functional language, which is Goedel\u27s System T enriched with some syntactic sugar

    Compositional theories for embedded languages

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    Embedded programming style allows to split the syntax in two parts, representing respectively a host language H and a core language C embedded in H. This formally models several situations in which a user writes code in a main language and delegates some tasks to an ad hoc domain specific language. Moreover, as showed in recent years, a particular case of the host-core approach allows a flexible management of data linearity, which is particularly useful in non-classical computational paradigms such as quantum computing. The definition of a systematised type theory to capture and standardize common properties of embedded languages is unexplored. The aim of this paper is to present a flexible fragment of such a type theory, together with its categorical semantics in terms of enriched categories, following previous investigations. We present the calculus HC0 and we use the notion of internal language of a category to relate the language to the class of its models, showing the equivalence between the category of models and the one of theories. This provides a stronger result w.r.t. standard soundness and completeness since it involves not only the models but also morphisms between models. We observe that the definition of the morphisms between models highlights further advantages of the embedded languages and we discuss some concrete instances, extensions and specializations of the syntax and the semantics.Comment: 20 page

    General Ramified Recurrence is Sound for Polynomial Time

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    Leivant's ramified recurrence is one of the earliest examples of an implicit characterization of the polytime functions as a subalgebra of the primitive recursive functions. Leivant's result, however, is originally stated and proved only for word algebras, i.e. free algebras whose constructors take at most one argument. This paper presents an extension of these results to ramified functions on any free algebras, provided the underlying terms are represented as graphs rather than trees, so that sharing of identical subterms can be exploited
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